MERN Stack

13-week Full Stack Javascript programming and a hacker is born!

About us

Week 1: Web Basics, How the Internet Works, Classification of IP Addresses, Web Servers, Setting up Development Environment, Git & GitHub, Linux/Unix, Virtualization Tools
Week 2-3: JavaScript, ECMAScript 6, DOM Manipulation, Regular Expressions, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures & Algorithms.
Week 4-7: NodeJS,Express JS, MongoDB & Mongoose,, Data Modelling/Relationships/Map Reducing Techniques with MongoDb, Sharding, Regular Expressions, Postman, REST API's, Data Structures & Algorithms.
Week 8-17: Graph QL,Authentication with Node, Passport bcrypt, Developing chrome extensions, Cloud Computing, React Js, Redux Js, Unit Testing, Data Structures & Algorithms.
Key Highlights:

  • Building your own web products & personal portfolio
  • Deploying applications on AWS, Google Cloud etc
  • Learning through internal hackathons & Tech-Talks
  • Algorithm Challenges for Cracking Interviews

  • 1
    Training 30%

    The training part will cover 30% of the curriculum guided by instructors. You'll be trained on the MEA/RN Stack to be the best in the industry.  Apply Now

  • 2
    Development 70%

    Most of the time at the bootcamp you will be spending time playing with the code. Practical application is necessary whenever it comes to becoming a good programmer.

  • 3
    Building amazing projects

    Project 1: Team Project (End-to-End Product Development)
    Project 2: If you have a great product idea , we will help you build that.

    You can download the full curriculum by filling in the form.
    Course Fee: Indian Students: $2500. International Students: $5000

    Apply Now
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